St Michael the Archangel Kirkby Malham

Tel: 01729 830293
email: see 'contact us' tab

Clergy: Revd Sue McWhinney

Kirkby Malham, BD23 4BS



Have you enjoyed your visit? Would you like to help support us, so that we can keep St Michael the Archangel open each day for the benefit of visitors and locals alike? We do not get any public funding, so the costs of maintaining our beautiful and historic church are born by the congregation, donations from visitors, and the good-will of Malhamdale residents and friends further afield. If you felt able to support us we’d love to hear from you.

You can give a one-off donation using the Donations link below (which has a gift-aid option, and leads to the same location as the QR code and the PayAz card-reader that you'll find in church), or you could set up a regular standing order or direct debit. Please contact if you’d like to know more about how to do that. Thank you so much.




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